Meet 4 year old OWEN!!! This Rockstar/Ladies Man needs a couch to crash on! I am a self described sensitive artsy type, and I fall in love easily! I like to tell the ladies that I am a very musical and soulful dude. I will sing you a song every time a police car, ambulance or Fire truck goes by. Oh, that’s not all ladies! I also love to cuddle and will even try to whisper (errrm, whimper?) sweet nothings in your ear! I am a really social guy. I get kinda worked up and anxious when I am left to my own devices.The good news? Unlike most rockstars I know, I do NOT have a history of throwing parties or destroying hotel rooms -but I will try to insist on going with you, and even make a mad dash for the door!It’s worth a try, right? My ideal pad would be a place with someone who comes home to see me mid-day or with someone who is around most of day. I am not a big fan of apartments because when I can hear the neighbours coming and going, and then I get, like, really depressed and anxious.Why is everyone else out having fun without me??I love to just sit around and jam with my people, but I do have some demons. It’s the rockstar life, man -we all have our demons! Mine is that I’m addicted to chasing cats, squirrels and little fluffy bunnies. Seriously, anything smaller than me better watch out. I’m not sure if there is a 12 step program for that or not…I am also really, really picky about other dogs. Most of them are not my kind of people. Dog parks are just not my kinda place, sorry. Good news! My energy level is right at about a medium, and school age kids or teens are my kind of people. I like the smaller kids, but they don’t like me. Sometimes it is hard not to step on them. I am clumsy like that. The bigger kids (over 7) are pretty good with a dog like me.In terms of exercise, if you are not that into intense workouts, a couple of 20 min walks and a game of fetch with someone each day, and I am ready to crash for the night. Unless you want me to be more active. ‘Cause I’m cool either way. My foster Mom has been working on my street smarts and my manners. I have learned to turn my head away when I burp so I don’t offend the ladies, and wait until she tells me it’s safe to cross the street.I am really hoping this helps me to be more adoptable.Most of all I am hoping there is a real nice place for me to lay my head somewhere out there. If you need a roommate, give me a shout! There is info about adopting on the HBR website at ! Later!Owen