♡♡HAPPY TAILS: NIGEL!!! ♡♡Steve and family adopted Nigel just over a year ago from HBR. As he celebrates his first gotcha day, we checked in with the family to see how he is doing. Steve provided the following update: “Nigel just loves getting out for a walk especially with his Yorkie friend from next door, and even more if he is able to roam off leash at a park. He has a blast trying to silence any squeaky toy he gets. His favorite food is pretty much anything he can get a hold of LOL. He is great around other pets but does not like squirrels or chipmunks that visit the yard, they get promptly chased away. During his quiet time, he prefers to lay on our lap or at least rest his head on your leg while dozing. Right from the first day we got Nigel, he adapted to his new surroundings and people as if he had been with us for years. He is such an affectionate, and well behaved addition to our family. We are grateful every day to have him with us. To potential adopters, while there may be reluctance to adopt and more so with a senior, the satisfaction that follows when they adjust is amazing. Once you take the leap I am sure there would be no regrets. In a general way— each time that we adopt a senior dog while posing some challenges, It is very rewarding knowing we give them a comforting and secure home through their senior years and they give us the companionship and their unconditional love in return. “We are so glad to hear that Nigel is so loved! Steve has also shared with us that Nigel is going through some serious health issues. Please keep Nigel in your thoughts and send positive, healthy vibes his way.♡♡