Hello, my friends!!! It’s time! I’m ready to be adopted!
My name is Preston. I am a very happy and relaxed 9-year-old neutered male. I am extremely well-mannered and quite a gentleman. My last person trained me very well. I seem to have quite a good grasp of the English language and pretty much know everything you are saying. I had a few health issues when I arrived here at Homeward Bound Rescue but I’m all fixed and ready to live the rest of my life with one family who just happens to have a lot of love and affection to share!
I recently had a mast cell tumour removed from the side of my neck and had 3 teeth removed. The incision on the side of my neck was quite large but it is almost completely healed and the hair is starting to grow back. I also have a food intolerance to chicken (which makes me very itchy and flaky) and I had some urinary issues so we fixed that up. I am now on a prescription food that has no chicken in it and it helps me so that I don’t develop any crystals in my urine. I also take a pill twice a day (it tastes like a cookie!) that helps too.
I love going for walks and car rides! I live for these moments! My foster mom hasn’t really tried walking me properly because of my recent incision but she is quite sure I’m a pretty good boy because when she starts to fall behind and I get to the end of my leash I always stop and wait for her. Sometimes I see another dog that I am familiar with and I have been known to pull once or twice in those instances because I am so excited to see a friend. I don’t think all dogs are my friends though, once I saw another large male dog and I growled and barked. I think I like to be the alpha male in the room. There isn’t a lady that I haven’t liked though and I pretty much love all smaller dogs and get along great with all humans! My foster mom says hello to everyone we see and I will just keep walking and not pay any attention to them unless my foster mom stops to talk. Then I am friendly too! That’s my cue. Even if other dogs bark at me I usually just keep walking and don’t even look at them if that’s what foster mom does. Don’t forget I like the car too! I will always be ready to jump into an idling car! Even when I don’t know the person! That’s how much I love the car. I like the front seat whenever possible. I am really good at waiting until I’m invited to get out of the car.
I like being with my foster mom all the time. She stays at home all day and I love that. I even like to follow her to the bathroom and wait outside of it while she’s in there. Sometimes when she takes a long time in the laundry room I get tired of waiting and I just lean myself gently against her legs and grab a couple of winks. I wish we could just stay on the couch all day and cuddle. Foster mom lets me sleep in the bed with her. It’s a big bed. Sometimes there ends up with some space between us but don’t you worry… I make sure to always close the gap. I like to make sure my back is touching someone most of the time. I’m sure she really appreciates how thoughtful I am. I have slept in a crate too. Either way, it’ll just take some adjustment. I adjust pretty easily actually.
Have I told you how hungry I am yet? I am a big hungry boy. I have a clockwork type of system that has my tummy alarm ringing at almost 4-hour intervals. Mom always tries to stretch my meals out a bit but she pretty much feeds me less food more often. This keeps me happy and it also helps to not add on any extra pounds to my perfectly muscular frame. I always wait nicely for my food until my foster mom says “good boy, go ahead”. If I can’t wait until dinner time, mom lets me have some baby carrots and I love munching on those. Sometimes she puts some peanut butter or cheese whiz in my bone but this is just a special treat. I am always watching those calories! I like the store-bought treats too! A LOT! Foster mom is always careful to give me beef or salmon and always looks for hidden chicken.
Now as I said, I am very well-mannered but nobody’s perfect! If something incredibly delicious is in the garbage, I might try to steal it the next time you leave the room. If you have something very yummy, I’ll probably not even look at you if my tummy is full, but if you leave your plate unattended, I cannot promise so much self-control that I won’t steal it. It has been known to happen.
I do like to communicate. I have a plethora of sounds in my repertoire that I will show you when I want something. If my water dish is empty, I will tell you. If I need out, I will bark at you instead of going to the door. If I feel it must be dinner time by now, I will whine, bark, moo… it could be anything really. I don’t make any of these sounds without good reason though. So, if I’m noisy, I’m needing something. I tried to trick foster mom into feeding me more when I first arrived by barking quite a bit. If I had been out, eaten, drank and there was nothing left to check, foster mom would sternly say “No, go lie down”. I will listen when she does that. Sometimes she starts with “Go on, out of the kitchen”, and I’ll do that too (but I’ll be back).
A couple of extra quirky adorable things about me? I sneeze every time I go outside. Every. Time. I like to roll around after meals on the blanket or couch and I like to fix the blankets when making my bed at night. I like to have my chest rubbed after my breakfast or dinner until I get sleepy enough to nap. When you kiss my face, I’ll probably kiss the end of your nose… sometimes your ear.
I really am the sweetest boy and will make you very happy. I’m sure of it.
– No to cats
– small or calm dogs ok
-kids over 5 please